Tag Archives: Gays

Perhaps being a loser is genetic.

So let me introduce you to the loser that is one William Hamby and his other relative Billy Hamby. There is the possibility that these two are bothers, and both basically having the same first name goes to call into question some of the basic mentality already.

William Hamby is a hypocritical self righteous bigot Trump supporter who lies to everyone including himself and if he doesn’t get his way Billy will jump in every now and then to make sure you have no doubt that stupidity is genetic.

Well after showing much of his bigotry and hatred for everyone including most the LGBT community he feigns sympathy for the shooting in Orlando. His cries of anguish in my opinion get to fall on deaf ears for sowing hatred and bigotry toward the LGBT community.  Now recently I called him out on his bullshit about the shooting in Orlando. Then Billy Hamby joined in just to complete the idiot circle jerk.  You can see that here:


So let’s show some of the things he has posted.

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So yeah, these are some pretty clear examples of bigotry and hatred here.

Moderate Christians, not really deserving of the respect they want.



So this was another of those ridiculous facebook posts that was put up where it seems no one actually knows what the bible says.  Once again it is my job to correct them. This was my response.

Ah yes, the hypocrisy of the moderate christian and the new testament. Let’s look at what comes from the new testament.

Matt 5:17

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

That does not sound like a renouncing of old laws it sounds like a confirmation of them.

It is very nice to see that many Christians are coming around on the gay marriage issue. Much like they did on interracial marriage and slavery. Here in Florida and many other states the law that was passed that recognized marriage as one man and one woman was done because of popular vote. The difference between the westboro baptist church and the “moderate christian” who voted for the one man one woman amendment, a lack of a God Hates Fags sign. The one thing that has made me strive for hope is that the check and balance of the government actually seems to be working in that the courts recognize the stupidity and repression by large groups of people and are choosing to reject it. Hopefully Scalia will be the only dissenting voice when it does finally come before SCOTUS.

I am sorry if this is not the positive reinforcement you came here looking for but the ugly side of this hasn’t gone away. They are still sending kids to reeducation camps and gay therapy programs. In lieu of that they are kicking them out of the house and on the street. The wonderful example of Christian love and forgiveness. Ah yes but that is not you. You are different. Excuse me if I look at the actions and not the words.