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08/09/2010 Entry: "Mindless dribble from tea baggers."
So I caught this article from a facebook friend. This is the crap the tea baggers buy into.
The original article is here.
Nothing like a little sensationalism to get one through the day. Let's look at this bunch of pablum.
"Americans have drawn a line in the sand to say the all out partisan political corruption across this nation stops here and now! Politicos got comfortable in believing their money and global contacts could propel them into powerful positions here whereby they could leap from there into fame, fortune, and notoriety “by any means necessary” whether citizens liked it or not."
Well maybe I misjudged. I would love the stop of partisan political corruption. Corporate execs getting tax shelters and high government positions, yes I would like that to stop also. However something tells me this is the bait to set the trap of luring me in under false pretenses. Let's wait for it.
"That philosophy also ushered in Barack Hussein Obama who is neither a novice nor a political innocent. He is nobody’s pawn. He is the leader of decades-long negative propaganda and deception via the Saul Alinsky methodology and his outrageous agenda, though well known, remains ongoing."
You mean the idea of stopping political corruption was what got Obama elected. Damn and here I thought it was other issues like the war, the economy, and a change from the previous 8 years of lies and deceit. Yes, hope and change it such a negative premise under which to run a campaign. You mentioned Saul Alinsky methodology and outrageous agenda. You mean like community organizing and grassroot efforts? Gosh I thought we wanted the citizens involved. You don't mean the same Saul Alinsky who wrote “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals,” because the tea party took it's methods directly from that book.
"America will never regain her national standing in the world until and unless Americans stop being politically correct and start becoming straightforward about the dangers this nation is confronted with. "
Oh the fear mongering begins.
"There is a traitor in the White House Oval Office and he is surrounded by co-conspirators who are also actors in his destructive scenario. Let me be clear (as Barack Obama loves to say). There is a definite difference between the character and motives of any elected leader coming into such an honorable position with stated intent and actions towards destroying our national way of life and those who step forth to disclose it and resist it."
Ah, so Obama and his evil henchmen are out to destroy the American way of life. Yeah because in the almost 2 years in office so much has changed.
"The citizenry who have enough common sense to realize the dangers we face because of their actions dare to take on these traitors to stop them before they can complete their task. They are patriot heroes of today. Mark them well, because their day will come when American people will look back and properly thank them for their faith, honor, valor, trust, courage, and patriotism. One such deserving non politico hero is LTC Terry Lakin who is standing up to defend the constitutional oath he took upon enlisting in the military. Support him. Let him know he is not alone. Thank him for his stand. Pray his peace in the Lord God. Thank God for him. His victory is already assured!"
"[Disclaimer: My comments about LTC Lakin and the “Safeguard Our Constitution” site are not endorsed or advocated by them. But, I would be remiss if I allowed such a governmental atrocity to pass by unnoticed and without comment and recognition that “There but for the grace of God go (any of us).”]"
Oh yes, we will be saved by the crackpot brigade. Terry Larkin is going to throw away a great military career because of tabloid bovine fecal matter. The birther movement in all it's glory. His victory is not assured. His sad defeat is almost certainly assured. Let me know how all that praying goes after the trial.
"Americans can distinguish between people who desire to help us from those who are determined to hurt and even kill us. This present Obama administration continues to dig into the core of America’s fabric to pull loose every thread and leave her totally naked and vulnerable before this nation and the world. As well, Obama has further startled onlookers by labeling our friends as enemies and our enemies he has embraced as friends. No surprise there!"
Some interesting symbology there. Care to back it up with say, facts.
"Obama and many DEMS hijacked the political process by registering as Democrats when, in fact, they make up a combination of socialists, progressives, communists, Marxists, anarchists, and UN-American detractors. In particular, Obama registered, campaigned with, and was nominated by the Democratic Party. What’s more, although there are factions of the “Democratic Progressive Party” (DPP) scattered all throughout America, they are not legally recognized as a valid political party in America to enter campaigns which would gain them enough votes to be seated. Therefore, they deliberately schemed to hijack the Democratic Party. And led by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and others who believed the Democrats were too timid to put forth their agenda, in 1991, they formed the progressive caucus within the halls of the United States Congress and used that status as a means to lend false credibility to their cause and illegitimate platform."
Ah yes, the stereotyping so you can know your enemy even if you don't want to know a thing. These are the Rev. Dowell's terms for the people who make up the Democratic party. Nice to know someone missed the reality boat. The DPP is a political party in China. Please get a grip. It has no association with the Democratic party. Their platforms don't match. This is a baiting effort to induce fear and to hell with the truth. It's an effort to maintain the fear of the great evil commie who is out to get you. Grow up. You have zero facts for backing up the accusation of collusion between Rep, Sander and Rep. Waters with the DPP. We will state this, for Reverand you sure do lie a lot.
"The election laws mandate that Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates who campaign for federal office have to first be nominated by their political party, which route was used by Obama and others. And, since there is no legitimate “ Democratic Progressive Party” in America which can legally nominate anybody, how does Obama along with the others get away with foisting an illegal progressive platform on the American people and codify it by the legislative process? Obama is illegitimate in more ways than one, but this is more than likely one other way that will lead to his ouster in accordance with the United States Constitution and the rule of law. In fact, the DPP is actually a communist China entity and all other “progressive parties,” are beholden to that nation. Therefore, Obama-DEMS are determined to push America not only towards Middle Eastern Sharia Law and Islam, but also to sell us out to China and Communists."
This is such a lie that you have to really be an idiot to believe it.There are no facts in this statement.
"By the time exasperated citizens finally come across the truth and recirculate old news that has been tossed out like a bone to a dog, Barack and his “reform” have systematically and deliberately hacked into every area of our lives and have gone inside to sit on our chests to weigh us down. Meanwhile, Obama has already begun to circumvent our combined Congress by recruiting and moving people underground to undercut the Constitution, with his support. As I said from the outset, Obama had no intention of obeying the oath of office he took when he ran for office. Long before he was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, he had already recruited his loyal followers to carry out the most devious plan ever and he continues to draw more of them and their money in to help him!"
More rampant speculation. Deplorable at best.
"Barack Obama is no friend of America. He is illegally and unconstitutionally organizing and leading a lobbying force of monumental proportions from out of the White House in order to help him create his “citizen government,” to eventually bypass the legally constitutional legislative process. Moreover, they have been on a practice run. They have developed their own online voting booths that feed directly into the Wells of both the United States House and the United States Senate. And it is no secret he is very near to taking over all social networking sites on the internet to be able to censor and control all areas of communication and, thereby, chill free speech."
A government by the people, of the people, for the people. Yes, the president wants the citizens involved in their government. What an outlandish idea. If you want free speech on the internet you better learn what net neutrality is. Why it is important that the corporations don't control the lines of communication. That would require research and thinking. The author has not shown a capability for either.
"Obama’s Organizing for America (OFA) the offshoot of his “Obama For America” (OFA) has latched onto many national and international “partnerships.” They have aided in providing online access to all of the pending bills. And their purpose is to bring about “Direct Democracy.” The GOVIT site is better than the United States government website and more accessible. With permission from the Obama Administration, they have generated the software and sites that allow anybody anywhere to sign up and to vote at the same time as our elected representatives and senators in Washington, D.C. And, they know it is happening, too!"
The OFA is the same group always has been. The site allows people to view legislation and express their opinions on it. What an awful idea. Of course there would not be any right wing sites that do that would there? This false sensationalism is just showing how the facts would be awfully inconvenient.
"The GOVIT supporters believe that our elected leaders don’t know what the American people want; therefore, their purpose is to, in the near term, completely bypass Congress and create their own laws which will affect the entire nation. Anybody will be able to vote online even though Congress has not enacted any laws for them to do so, and the American people are unaware such activities (and more) are going on even as Obama feigns ignorance. Congress needs to step up and investigate that website, shut it down, and ensure the Executive Branch never institutes anything else like it"ever again! That Obama-generated ploy is misleading, subversive, unconstitutional and, regardless of the fact that Obama is their leader, those activities are illegal and dangerous to the general health and welfare of this nation."
You mean bypass like the Religious right tried to do with Prop 8 in California. How is the millions that was spent on that doing. The Govit site is supposed to help make government more transparent to it's citizens. You can view laws there and express a point of view on them. Doesn't matter what affiliations you have.
"Contrary to popular belief, the Smith Act of the 1940s is alive and well in the land. In fact, as of February 2010, it has been updated. Anybody who reads it will see how closely it mirrors the Obama Administration ideology, and that Obama is courting impeachment, a trial, heavy fines, and/or imprisonment for many years, as a criminal traitor."
How does the author manage to sleep at night when spewing such crap. The Smith act was of the 1940s and used against the "commie threat." It barely withstood muster many were acquitted and in 1957 most of the convictions were declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. The updated version you mention is the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2010 and that is still in committee.
"Now, I hope the reader understands that Barack Obama is blatantly and arrogantly setting up this nation for a fall and to deliver it into the hands of our enemies near and far by enacting laws which are unconstitutional, by enacting laws through the Executive Order process, by hauling in his self-appointed, unvetted and ungodly people and shoving them between those who were lawfully approved by Congress to serve and himself. And, by Obama vigorously building up his own coalition grassroots, parliamentarian government within our Republic, he has more than provided enough evidence to support his impeachment and criminal trial and punishment in accordance with the United States Constitution and the rule of law."
The tale of the collapse of government. This is grade school mellow drama. I would like to know what evidence for impeachment there is.
"Obama has done all he knows how to subvert the American political election process by his personal perpetual campaigning and his wholly partisan form of governance. His overall illegally undue influence can only result in a failed process and a failed nation. He must be stopped and Congress must step forward and act now to let him be the example to deter anybody anywhere who is harboring the self-same ideologies to take up where he will have left off. Unless steps are taken to stop Obama’s subversive actions, we are only pushing the problem down the road. And Obama is already up there with his criminal forces waiting to push back. Can anybody say, “Iran,” “Cuba,” “Venezuela,” and more?"
So basically with no real evidence and just a lot of fear you want congress to start investigating, find something he did wrong or better yet make it up and then impeach him. How about Congress gets with job of passing a budget, reducing the deficit, and dealing with the economy. I see zero correlation between what is going on with the Obama administration and the countries you mentioned.
"But for the corruption running rampantly throughout our legal system and government, Obama and all of his cohorts who apparently want American citizens to believe they are all exempt from having to obey the law would, themselves, have likely become the American example of a modern-day Nuremberg. And, the only reason they have remained in office for so long is because too many of our elected legislators are instigators and perpetrators. Moreover, they are timid and our judiciary is corrupt. But the loyalty of free citizens of the United States of America belongs to the United States Constitution and not to the man who takes - and forsakes - the oath “to protect, preserve, and defend” it. Opting instead, to set himself up as the dictator-arbiter of every area of our lives."
Still zero evidence.
"In the final analysis as pertains to American societal values, morals, mores, standards, norms, I believe citizens need to be more discriminating - not less. Americans continue to reject any of Obama’s attempts to “reform” America and to redefine new societal and cultural norms for us, our children, and grandchildren and expect us to like it. Too much damage has already taken place because of his narcissist self-loathing and self-loving (at the same time) and hatred of America. Untimely deaths and overall destruction all across this nation has been the unwelcome result. Americans are not deceived by any of them. Show it now and when you get out to pull that lever to cast your all-important vote on November 2, 2010! "
This has to be one of the worst pieces of dribble I have ever read. It is a mindless unconnected rant without a scant of factual backing. It is a hate filled piece of blather that has zero merit. If this is the kind of writing that the tea baggers like. I doubt they pose much of a concern as it reflects on a low standard of intellect. While the founding fathers were whiners when it came to dealing with the king. At least they went forth with a certain amount of rhetoric and reason.