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07/30/2010 Archived Entry: "American Screed"

A website called American Thinker put up this ridiculous article by Bill Warner on July 30,2010.

Calling this article tripe would not be enough to declare the utter fecal matter that drools forth from this article.
It does not encourage discussion or thinking. As a matter of fact it asks that your shut your brain off and let the information seep in through an orifice meant as an exit only.

Barack Obama and Slavery

So let's take this mental black hole and much like the leak in the gulf we will try to plug it.

Slavery still stalks the American consciousness, its wounds yet festering in many hearts. If Barack Obama were to set his mind to it, he could heal much of the damage this peculiar institution wrought on our national soul. This great and tragic error that must be given justice. Obama is the best person in the world who can recognize, remember and honor the deaths of 125 million and the enslavement of tens of millions of people.

The reason slavery still stalks this nation is because it has still bigots and racists in it. Who cannot accept those who are different as equals. Barack Obama is president there is a black man in the white house. His job is to deal with the economy, environment, and yes even civil rights. However saying that Barack Obama could heal much of the damage is wrong. He could not. He is president not a magician. Asking him to acknowledge the deaths does not change the past or current attitudes of those who refuse to change.

His unique qualifications can be found in his names. Until he was 20 years old, he went by the first name Barry. Then he decided to be called Barack Hussein Obama, his original birth name.

Ok this is metaphysical clap trap here. I went by my initials until I was 16 because my first name Brendhan can be hard for kids to pronounce. Plenty of people have gone by nicknames. Many of us drop them as we get older, because we are not kids anymore. His unique qualifications can't be found in his name. I am Irish and carry an Irish name I am named after a famous writer who was more known for his drunken bouts then his writing. Does this make me qualified to go and change the way people drink in Ireland? Of course not.

Many people seem to the names "Barack" and "Obama" are African names. They are not.

Baraq [Barack] was the name of the winged horse-like creature that took Mohammed to Paradise in the Night Journey. Baraq can also mean God's blessing. Obama is Swahili for Osama, who was one of Mohammed's chief warriors. Osama also means lion. Hussein reminds some Americans of Saddam Hussein, and Obama's supporters get upset if it is used. Hussein was the name of Mohammed's grandson. So Obama's entire name is based upon Islamic mythology and African conquest. Barack Hussein Obama means [Allah's blessing] [Mohammed's grandson] [One of Mohammed's finest warriors].

Actually Obama is an African name. It is from the Luo people and it means "to be bent" or "to be twisted." It comes from the Luo tribe. It also has an Arab history and a Japanese history. All you have to do is look up Obama surname and you find this. So this part of the article he wrote was wrong. Let's look at some more.

Barack actually is a benediction. It means bless or blessed. The winged horse the author talks about is called Al-Burāq which means lightning. The only places you will find that link Barack to the winged horse are in republican media sites. Once again some simple research would be the way to get actual answers here.

However the article doesn't want you to focus on facts it wants you to focus on the idea that Barack has a muslim background. That he represents a supposed Islamic threat to your freedoms. The article states that his name represents the Islamic conquest of Africa. Well it doesn't. Sorry but this is just another failure in this article.

Obama's name reveals a part of history that is unknown or hidden about America, Africa and slavery. It also reveals a history of the destruction of native African civilization. His name came from his father, a so-called Arab African. The word Arab is the clue to the hidden history.

No it does not. The translations on his name the author got wrong and saying his name represents hidden history of African and slavery after saying it represents the Islamic conquest of Africa is wrong also. Here is another interesting bit of history for you. Most of Africa was not part of the Islamic faith and most of it still is not part of the Islamic faith.

A century ago, 76 percent of Africans practiced traditional or animist religions, with only a small minority of Muslims and Christians. Source

The less then blatant attempt to consider the fear mongering that Barack is a Muslim and represents a threat to Christian values is so deplorable here that it speaks more to the poor character of the author and those who chose to believe this excrement. However I am sure the author will continue to do more.

Kafirs (non-Muslims) rarely refer to Islam, but call it by an ethnic name whenever they can. When Islam conquered the Middle East, the conquerors were not called Muslims, but Arabs. In Eastern Europe the Muslim invaders were called Turks. In Spain conquering Muslims were referred to as Moors. Thus it is that the Islamic culture in Africa, Arab African, is referred to with an ethnic name, Arab Africans, like Obama's father, are Muslims who leave behind their African culture and adopt the Arab culture.

What are you talking about. The sentence about Kafirs? Why is it even there. It makes no sense and contributes nothing to the paragraph it is a part of. Since you put it there and worded it so poorly let's look at this linguistic nightmare of words. Kafir basically is a term for non Muslim or non believer. Someone who rejects God. Of course that being the God Allah. You may have heard of another definition for this term. The word infidel.

Here is an interesting little fact for you. Not all Arabs are Muslim. I know this ruins the chance to continue the fear mongering stereotype. I mean those pesky facts getting in the way.

And yes the Turks did invade part of Eastern Europe and many other parts. They has a place in history known as the Ottoman Empire. There was also the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the British Empire and plenty of others. And yes the Moors invaded Spain. " Kafirs (non-Muslims) rarely refer to Islam, but call it by an ethnic name whenever they can. When Islam conquered the Middle East, the conquerors were not called Muslims, but Arabs. In Eastern Europe the Muslim invaders were called Turks. In Spain conquering Muslims were referred to as Moors. "Thus it is that the Islamic culture in Africa, Arab African, is referred to with an ethnic name, Arab Africans, like Obama's father, are Muslims who leave behind their African culture and adopt the Arab culture." So since we have A and B it must equal C. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. No they did not necessarily adapt Arab culture. I know plenty of Christians who are not Vatican culture. Someone's faith is not always a part of their overall culture. Christians can be Vegan, Jews who do not keep kosher will eat pork. The author continues to show utter misinformation.

The Arab African Muslim has always been associated with slavery because Islam is the driving force in the history of world slavery.

Let me make this statement here for the tea baggers who want to absorb this trash. Lies. This statement is false and misleading and the author if he even has two brain cells to rub together knows it. The slave trade with the new world usually involved dealings with tribal non muslim groups. It had nothing to do with the Asian slave trade or the battles between China, Japan and other nations in the Asian hemisphere. The statement the author makes is baseless without merit and completely false.

Islam's connection with slavery starts with Mohammed. The exact details of how slaves are taken are described in detail in the Sira, Mohammed's biography. The Sira is a sacred text since it relates Mohammed's words and deeds, called the Sunna. Everything he did is the perfect pattern of behavior for all Muslims.

Again a completely false statement. Slavery had existed in tribal cultures long before Mohammed. So Islam's connection with slavery started long before the prophet Mohammed come to power. Mohammed was a businessman and a rather astute one. He got is own religion going and slaves are great on an economic level. He dictated the guidelines so of course he is considered the perfect Muslim. Jesus Christ is considered the perfect Christian. Siddhartha Gautama is the perfect Buddhist.

Mohammed was involved in every single aspect and detail of slavery. He bought and sold slaves both retail and wholesale. He gave them as gifts, used them for sex, received them as gifts, stood by as slaves were beaten, attacked. He enslaved tribes, and owned black slaves. Indeed, his rise to political success was financed, in part, by the profit of his slave trade.

Thomas Jefferson did almost the same thing. He didn't enslave entire tribes but he had many slaves. The economic benefit made him wealthy and in some form contributed to his success.

So the sacred pattern of Mohammed and Islam is the enslavement of non-Muslims, kafirs. For 1400 years Islam has enslaved all races and cultures including Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Zoroastrians, animists, and atheists. Only Muslims are free of being enslaved.

So this is where the fear mongering continues. The Islamic threat is that you can all become slaves. The Muslims had slaves and will have them again if they come to power. he only way to stop them is to have a Muslim stop them and that Muslim is Barack Obama. Good grief. Take a look at our history and you will see that we did a lot of same things.

Obama could tell us that there is only one way to understand Africa and slavery and that is to understand political Islam. For 1400 years Islam has steadily been at work in Africa. The easiest place for Americans to see Islam's annihilation of kafir civilization is in North Africa and Egypt. Egypt used to be a Christian and Coptic (the descendants of the Pharaohs) country. North Africa was a Greek and Christian culture, and at one time a part of the Roman Empire.

Now for part 2 of the article where we are told what Obama could do. Except that the statement starts off by being misleading. Remember up until a century ago. Most Africans were tribal religious and what are most of them now? Christian. So the Christian culture took a hit. Things like the Inquisition will do that.

The Coptics are Egyptian Christians, not the descendants of Pharaohs. You can be Muslim and be Coptic. You know what is causing the decline in Christian Coptics these days? Lower birthrates. That's it. You want to take over have more kids. So you can indoctrinate them.

The first Islamic assault on African culture was the jihad that annihilated Coptic Egyptian culture and Greek culture in Northern Africa. Today these areas are Arabic and Islamic.

The conversion tool place over hundreds of years and as Christians may want to recall the wars known as the Crusades. The Christians lost. You don't get to be the religion or culture of choice when you get your ass kicked. You know why they Muslims won? They used their heads they firmly believed in education particular to math and science. While they were expanded on Algebra, the Europeans were still in the dark ages.

That was just the thin end of the jihad wedge. Over the next 1400 years, Islam took approximately 25 million slaves out of Africa. An Arabic word for African is abd, the same word that is used for black slave. Arabic has about 40 words for slaves. White slaves are mamluk. Islam took more than a million European slaves into slavery. The highest priced slave in the Meccan slave market was a white woman.

They want your white women. This statement is so pathetic that the author should just give up writing now. The way the Ottoman Empire got white slaves was they won the battles. The same way other Muslim tribes and armies got them. They won battles. Of the slaves that were taken by Muslim conquests most of them stayed in the middle east of Eastern Europe. They were not traded to the new world.

There is great deal of collateral damage when a slave is taken. A warring party attacks a tribe and when enough of the protectors are killed, the rest will surrender and become slaves. All of those who were strong enough to work were taken away in a forced march for days. But there are many who are left behind -- the young, the old, and the sick and injured.

Did we all not learn that War is Hell? Maybe we should use this as a reason to avoid war.

Estimates vary, but from 5 to 10 people left behind died as the result of taking one slave. So for 25 million slaves, we have the deaths of 125 million Africans over a 1400-year period.

This is the part where the author pulls numbers out of his ass in the hopes of maintaining the fear levels. Also this 1400 year period he keeps mentioning is bovine fecal matter.

When the story of slavery is told in America, as in the movie Roots, the sailors get off the boats and capture the Africans and make them slaves. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Actually it is right right right.

When the white slaver showed up in his wooden ship, he made a business deal with a Muslim wholesaler. Jihad was the machinery that Mohammed used, and his model worked well in Africa as slavers filled the slave pens for the same reason that Mohammed did it: profit. Whites only traded slaves with Islam for about 200 years. Islam was in the slave trade before and after selling to the West.

Nope, they would either be taken by force or they would barter a deal with tribes that had conquered other tribes. The Muslims had nothing to do with it.

If you would like to learn about the Arab African slave traders that came from the same area of Africa that Obama's father came from, read Tippu Tip and the East African Slave Trade (Leda Farrant, Northumberland Press, 1975). Tippu Tip looked African, but he was 100% Arab and Muslim. By the way, Arab is not a racial term, but a cultural/language term.

Yes, try actually reading the book and how the Author worked on helping setup plantations and businesses in African and made a fortune on the slave business by keeping tribal slaves in Africa for the European settlers in Africa. Not by sending them to the new world. Note: he did help with some of slave business that took place in Brazil.

But the slave trade had another effect. Africa slowly became Islamic. Jihad worked in many ways to bring about conversion. Sometimes trade introduced Islam and a hybrid Islam/native African religion evolved. Then jihad was used to purify and remove the African culture to result in a purer Islam. But in the end, half of Africa fell to Islam.

Trade can have an effect on culture. However the statement that half of Africa fell to Islam is false. Maybe we should all become isolationists and not trade with anyone including China. This guy is a just a moron.

The oddest thing is that many people have the idea that an Arab African is the same as African. When the Arab culture replaces the native African culture the culture is not African. African culture is no more Arab than Hindu culture is Arab. Sharia law is just as foreign to native African culture as it is to ours.

Yes, because people like you just write paragraphs of misinformation. Then when people are confused you don't understand why. Let me give you a clue. You are the one creating the confusion.

The magnitude of this problem is seen in Darfur, where Arab Africans are destroying Africans who are not yet Arab enough. This is a centuries-long jihad to annihilate the native African culture. This process is no different than the process by which Coptic Egypt became Arab Egypt. Islam is not a religion but a complete civilization whose stated goal is to replace all other civilizations. There has never been a historical example of a country that kept its native culture after Islam entered. So Africa is an ordinary historical example.

"The actual conflict is not only about race or religion, but about resources as the nomadic tribes facing drought are going after the territory of sedentary farmers." Source. Islam is a religion. Cultures change when new management takes over. I am sure the Indian tribes in the US would agree with that.

The ignorance about the history behind Obama's names is the root of why he can achieve such an impact. Obama represents the chance to help heal the curse of slavery in America by revealing its complete history. He is a descendant of a white woman who had slave owners in her ancestry. His African father descended from those who enslaved the Africans. Obama is descended from slave owners and slave traders, but he does not have a single drop of slave blood in him.

So now once again Obama's name is the cure for all the world slavery issues and it's history. Are you kidding me? Now watch for this shocking statement. Barack is black. I know you are just letting that whirl in your head. Let's gop further he black and does not have a whole bunch of slave ancestors. Yes, it's true you can be born black and not have a slave or a sharecropper in your background. I would love to know the sources for saying that Barack anscestors were slave traders and slave owners. Guess what this Irish white boy doesn't have any slave owners in his background either. That doesn't make me better or worse then anyone. It iwas just they way my history happened.

Since race trumps all, everyone sees him as being representative of America's slave descendants. It becomes true simply because in a race/culture-obsessed society, some want it to be true. Obama's slave ancestry is a fiction and not reality.

Race does not trump all. That is a bigoted statement. And no not everyone saw him as descended from slaves. Some of us can actually read. it still doesn't change the fact that he is wait for it......black.

So Obama is half enslaver, by ancestry, and half slave, by choice. He is the most uniquely positioned to tell the truth, the complete truth about Islam, Africa, America and slavery.

He is no more positioned for you points then I am for a discussion on the history of Ireland.

Now here is the last little twist to Obama's name. He called himself Barry, an Irish name, for many years in America. He changed what he wanted to be called after he went to Pakistan for a three-week stay. He left America as Barry and returned as Barack.

This is the part where the author want s you to believe he is a secret Muslim with an agenda against whitey. I see you have a firm grasp on reality there.

Some whites may have bought slaves from Islam for 200 years, but after that, their culture was first to outlaw slavery. So Obama changed his name from a culture that abolished slavery to a name from a culture that has enslaved others for 1400 years and has a highly detailed doctrine of slavery.

You know I remember when people freaked out when Metallica got hair cuts everyone freaked out. They were just hair cuts. You could say that their music went downhill after that but it wasn't the fault of the haircuts. He dropped his nickname. Deal with it. It did make him someone with a slave agenda.

This is the world that Obama spans: from slavery abolition to the eternal enslaver. He represents hope to many American descendants of slaves, but his ancestors were never enslaved. No one else could tell the story that Obama knows. He could tell the story of how 125 million Africans died. He could tell the story of how 25 million Africans became slaves. There is an enormous irony that descendants of the slaves that his ancestors created now look to him for justice. And he could give them real justice by telling the complete truth of their enslavement. Only he has the power to make others listen.

The right wingers love to make the statement that Barack is the messiah to the left wingers. Yet this is the statement from a right wing moron that says Barack has all sorts of power the left would never believe.

Obama has shown himself to be a world citizen with his speech in Berlin, and his speaking the truth of the complete story of slavery would be historic, and could reverse centuries of ignorance and lies. He can stand up and tell the world the true complete story of slavery. It would change history far beyond the election cycle.

Ohh, nice bit of pandering. Why don't you actually try the truth. It fits so much better then the false misleading statements and lies. Barack has done more to help race relations then you who peddle fear mongering could ever hope to accomplish. I have to admit I know a lot about the history of slavery but then again I paid attention in school. Nothing you pointed out would bring about the change you believe it would.

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