Okay I am going to reboot and this time I have to pay attention.
# shutdown -r +3
Same as here.
As it got to the kernel countdown, I hit the spacebar. It came up with:
I typed in boot -s
This command sends me into what is know as single user mode. It doesn't mount anything it asked which shell I wanted and I told it
the default by just pressing Enter. It comes up with #. I want to make sure the /var is not mounted so I do this:
# umount /var
It will either come back to a # setting or say that /var is currently not mounted.In my case it was the /var not mounted response. which is
fine. Now we need to make the /var directory larger.
# growfs -s 5986609 /dev/ad0s1e
It will asked, Did you do a backup (Yes/No)?
This where I got screwed up. I kept saying yes. That doesn't do it. It has to Yes not yes. or it won't work. Once I figured that out. It
kicked in.
growfs means grow file system
-s means size
5986609 is the size it should grow to
/dev/ad0s1e is which directory I want to grow
Once I typed that in the sectors where each displayed on the screen until it was done. Once it was done I wanted to check it.
# fsck
fsck is a basically a high end scandisk. It lets me know everything went well. It will scroll through the sectors of the hard drive, the pathways
and other systems of the hard drive if there are errors it will let you know. I did not have any error messages on mine. However I understand
that you may get summary information bad or blk(s) missing in bit maps. It will ask you to salvage both. You can tell it no in both cases. I also
wanted to see if it actually did anything.
#mount /usr
mount means mount the file system shown
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 97M 45M 44M 50% /
/dev/ad1s1e 5.8G 2.1G 3.3G 39% /usr
/dev/ad0s1e 2.8G 19M 2.6G 1% /var
procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
Remember the original
# df -h <---This the command
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on <--Result
/dev/ad0s1a 97M 45M 44M 50% /
/dev/ad0s1f 2.7G 2.0G 513M 80% /usr
/dev/ad0s1e 19M 19M -1.5M 108% /var
procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
I can see how the /var went from 19M to 2.8G. Not bad . Now I can upgrade my ports.
This procedure would not have been possible without the exceptional help of Net_Fish. Visit his site and send him nice emails .
Flamers and spammers will die.
I also want to state that this procedure is definitely a lot harder in BSD than with Partition Magic. And BSD has no shrinkfs yet as a
way to make a directory or partition smaller. Something like that is definitely needed that will work in a nice GUI. Being that I know next
to nothing about writing code. I will defer to better people.
Credit where it is due:
Growfs info here
BSD Handbook here
The Google search engine. I would be stuck without it.
The IRC with the best people in it.Slashnet